Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World’s First Digital Weapon by Kim Zetter is an amazing story. The NSA and Mossad worked to derail the nuclear weapons program of Iran. This begins an amazing story regarding stuxnet. In the end this is a wonderful story about imagination.

The history Kim traces is deeper than anyone could first imagine. Think about your favorite spy movie and technology. Countdown to Zero Day is going to shake you up as I found this book difficult to put down.
The International Atomic Energy Agency learned that centrifuges at an enrichment plant in Natanz were failing at an unprecedented rate. The US and Israel were able to deploy Stuxnet to Siemens industrial control systems in Iran.
Zetter opens this story in Belarus. A computer security firm with customers in Iran found what they initially thought was a rootkit. The virus was causing systems to repeatedly crash and reboot. When they could not resolve the issue they called Sergey Ulasen.