Find Your Why: A Practical Guide to Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team by Simon Sinek. Simon wrote a bestseller in 2009 called Start with Why.

This book is the workshop companion. It will certainly not stand alone without the original. Find Your Why is above all, lead by Simon, David Mead, and Peter Docker as a corporate workshop now part of Simon’s consulting company Sinek Partners.
In this book the authors walk through specific points to identify “Why”for teams and organizations.
At the same time, Find Your Why is positioned to be an anchor for a workgroup moderator. So again, without reading Start with Why, your organization will struggle with Find Your Why as a stand alone book.
However, I found Start with Why to be compelling so I eagerly absorbed how this companion book can bolster teams and organizations. At various points throughout the book I could forecast how this would be received by my organization and others during a pandemic, when everything was changing rapidly in the opening weeks of remote work.