Design Education Innovation Reading Tablet Technology

Alice for the iPad

The reason excitement for the iPad.  I believe if more books like this come from the creative class we will have a revolution in reading.  Books and magazines may will never be the same again.  And ROIs will rise as well.

Tags: iPad, magazine, book, digital publishing, Tablet, design, interactive, media player, innovation, trends

Design Education Innovation Tablet Technology

HP’s Slate tablet

This device has not been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal Communications Commission. This device is not, and may not be, offered for sale or lease, or sold or leased, until authorization is obtained.

Tags: HP, design, Slate, Tablet, eBook, education, trends

Design Education Globalization Innovation Reading Tablet Technology

Microsoft’s Tablet ?

According to the UK Telegraph:  Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer failed to wow the crowds when he opened the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas on Wednesday night.

I must admit there was not a lot of excitement from his presentation.

Tags: Steve Ballmer, Microsoft, Tablet, CES, media player, magazine, trends

Design Education Globalization Innovation Rich media Tablet Technology

Sports Illustrated Tablet

Sports Illustrated is highlighting a forthcoming tablet from Time Inc. It looks interesting but what is Time’s market for this type of product with their brands?  How does a subscription their publications justify the hardware and annual subscription fees?  Who is their wireless provider, how do I sync it to my laptop and what about DRM?
Sure any designer worth a grain of salt can redesign a magazine…Let the Tablet games begin!

Tags: Sports Illustrated, Time, Inc., Tablet, design, wireless, magazine, trends