Artificial Intelligence Education Reading

Latest Read: AI and Machine Learning for On-Device Development

AI and Machine Learning for On-Device Development: A Programmer’s Guide by Laurence Moroney.

AI and Machine Learning for On-Device Development: A Programmer's Guide by Laurence Moroney

Laurence holds a Bachelor of Science in Physics and Computer Science from Cardiff University, PgD, Microelectronics Systems Design from Birmingham City University and Graduate Certificate in Artificial Intelligence from Stanford University.

Today he is Chief AI Scientist at VisionWorks Studios. He previously was an AI Advocate at Google for 10 years and served as a Senior Developer Evangelist at Microsoft. He wrote this book in 2021 and previously published AI and Machine Learning for Coders in 2020.

While OpenAI’s ChatGPT kick started the LLM surge, AI will simply be a component installed upon our mobile devices. The OpenAI/Microsoft partnership is certainly enterprise focused, Google Gemini and Apple will drive their Android and iOS devices to simply adopt AI as part of their mobile ecosystem. Phones will simply remain the go to device.

So, there was a lot of buzz regarding new AI devices including Humane’s AI Pin or the Rabbit R1. Their rush to market to capitalize on the AI hype cycle leads to critical mistakes.