The Art of Statistics: How to Learn from Data by David Spiegelhalter. David is a statistician and chair of the Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication in the Statistical Laboratory at the University of Cambridge.

David’s background is medical statistics. He has served as the president of the Royal Statistical Society and has been knighted for his services to statistics. This book is a certainly amazing read for anyone as David is displaying lessons that provide me new perspectives of risk management.
David presents a generally refreshing approach to statistics that many readers will enjoy. Early chapters certainly enforce long standing knowledge (never use 3D pie charts to compare proportional metrics).
However there are certainly many interesting examples that follow revealing when statistical techniques require advanced mathematical knowledge and ultimately requiring more time (and effort) to fully understand and ultimately communicate outcomes effectively to general audience.
I continuously seek insights to regression. A sample addressing regression analysis further illustrates while this is a powerful tool, it is often misused and results in misleading trends.