Chernobyl 01:23:40 The Incredible True Story of the World’s Worst Nuclear Disaster by Andrew Leatherbarrow. Sincere props to Andrew for self-publishing this well researched book. His trip to Chernobyl in 2016 provides rich insights.

While other Chernobyl books are certainly well written from an engineering view of the disaster, Andrew writes a story easy to digest.
He begins with a very strong Chapter: A Brief History of Nuclear Power. Tracing the work of Marie Curie who pioneered ground breaking research into radioactivity. Moreover, her family legacy has five Nobel Prizes. Yet, Marie and her family all died of radioactive poising.
Andrew addresses for the most part, the history of nuclear accidents at Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, and Fukushima.
In chapter two Chernobyl, Andrew writes a historical view of Chernobyl’s construction from 1970. One of the striking issues was finding documentation of an earlier serious accident at reactor number 1:
It is not well known that there was a severe accident at Chernobyl before the disaster of 1986, which resulted in the partial core meltdown of Unit 1. The incident occurred on September 9th, 1982, and remained secret for several years afterwards.
p. 62
Yet, even after the 1986 tragedy, a third serious accident at reactor number 3 in 1990 would again reveal problems impacting the entire Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.