Education Globalization Reading

Latest read: The Cell

I finished reading The Cell: Inside The 9/11 Plot, and Why the FBI and CIA Failed to Stop It and was a bit disappointed. Not due to the writing, but rather I also read Triple Cross: How bin Laden’s Master Spy Penetrated the CIA, the Green Berets, and the FBI–and Why Patrick Fitzgerald Failed to Stop Him just a couple of months ago and felt it was much more in depth.

the cell

Triple Cross critiques issues addressed as errors in the reporting by the authors John Miller and Michael Stone.  Miller is a noted former investigative journalist with ABC News.
There was much attention drawn to The Cell for two reasons: The ABC movie The Path to 9/11 which was America’s first network movie behind the attack on 9/11 was based upon the book.  Second, it was Miller’s famous 1998 interview with Osama bin Laden.

At that interview Miller learned bin Laden was well on his way to leading al-Qaeda‘s war on America.  The only problem was it was too early for most law enforcement agencies to act upon.

The interview was interesting enough to see how Al was protecting bin Laden and Miller’s recollection of how 15 years old boys were shooting AK-47s next to his ears (as a way to intimidate him) repeatedly as bin Laden arrived for his interview.

Miller shared how he even initially met with bin Laden’s right hand man Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri.  It was quite an interview for Miller and helped establish him as a strong source on terrorism for ABC even before the 9/11 attack.

Kinda worth reading Chapter 12: Meeting bin Laden alone, but the book offers many noted failures by US intelligence to capture terrorists….including the FBI’s long surveillance of Muslim extremists in NYC pictured on the book’s cover during firearms training in upstate New York.  It shows that US law enforcement could not connect the dots.

Miller and Stone provide good background on Mohamed Atta in Chapter 16:  Atta and his ties to the cell in Hamburg.  We paid a steep price as a result of the inaction of US law enforcement.  As Triple Cross and The Commission suggest the FBI needs to re-organized for the 21st Century global world.  And again like Triple Cross and The Commission — hard book to put down.

John Miller on The Charlie Rose show regarding his Osama bin Laden interview

Tags: The Cell, John Miller, 9/11, ABC News, Al Qaeda, Ayman al Zawahiri, FBI, CIA, reading