The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers by Ben Horowitz. Even though leading a startup is the focus of this book, lessons are for leaders regardless of organization type. Ben is the cofounder and general partner of Andreessen Horowitz, a Silicon Valley–based venture capital firm.

Ben certainly provides insightful stories with his experience joining Marc Andreessen at Netscape, then leading Loudcloud, and Opsware as CEO.
There are certainly rich experiences regarding Ben’s roles at Netscape, CEO at both Loudcloud and Opsware. Hence there are more than casual boasting of accomplishments. Nevertheless, Ben delivers insights to all the ups and downs experienced by struggling startups.
Ordinarily, many startups have only one client driving almost 90% of the company’s revenue. Therefore many lessons apply to all moving into any startup’s culture. Ben’s efforts at Loudcloud are driving those lessons and the single client model.
There is also a good section for managers relating to 1-on-1 management meetings with their direct reports. Otherwise, Mark Horseman’s Manager Tools series provides much deeper insights for managers and leaders to capitalize their 1-on-1 time.
Many have acknowledged Ben’s success. Hitting the 1.6 billion button more than a few times can be somewhat annoying. At the same time, where would Loudcloud be without Bill Campbell? And who fills this void for startup CEOs following the passing of Bill Campbell? Ben, like the fortunate few benefitted tremendously from Bill’s wisdom.
In conclusion, there are certainly many valuable insights that supervisors and managers across any organization can benefit to become more effective leaders. The focus of Ben’s experience is a startup CEO. At times this is one target while other segments seem a bit ego driven. the elements of a CEO needing to “work hard, play hard” remind me of David Mamet’s Glengarry Glen Ross with Alec Balwin’s Blake speech.
May I also suggest Loonshots and Catalyst, great reads for another startup and CEO perspective.
The Tim Ferriss Show | Ben Horowitz: What You Do Is Who You Are
Chris McGarry | The Hard Thing About Hard Things
Tech in Asia | The Hard Thing About Hard Things
SXSW | The Hard Thing About Hard Things
Stanford eCorner | Ben Horowitz: Nailing the Hard Things