The Worlds I See: Curiosity, Exploration, and Discovery at the Dawn of AI by Fei-Fei Li.
Fei-Fei holds a BA in Physics from Princeton University, MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering from California Institute of Technology. She is Professor in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University and Co-Director of Stanford’s Human-Centered AI Institute.
A Former Director of Stanford’s AI Lab she also served as Vice President and Chief Scientist for AI/ML at Google Cloud during her sabbatical from Stanford. She is co-founder of the nonprofit organization AI4ALL, aimed at increasing diversity and inclusion in AI education.
This book is a wonderful story of Fei-Fei’s life including the hardships her family endured leaving China to settle in America and smuggling to get by while a young girl. Another inspiration for the American dream as she took care of her ailing mother who dedicated her life to her daughter.
Throughout the book it is very clear Fei-Fei is moving between AI’s ability to become somewhat alarming to very optimistic to the potential of this technology.
Balance is collaboration
She would step onto the world’s stage as the creator of ImageNet, an early, key development of artificial intelligence. Her story is also a look at AI and human life with the goal of having artificial intelligence help shape our lives, science, medicine, and environmental studies. Yet she has written this book in a very easy to follow structure. One need not be a scientist or math prodigy to understand her messages.
In conclusion, I strongly feel this is a book for everyone interested in learning about AI, but not just the technology. Fei-Fei introduces early on her vision of what can be possible and also harnessing the danger of AI technology at the same time. This book is not to be missed.