Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman summarizes research that covers three phases of his career: cognitive biases, prospect theory and happiness. This is certainly a deep dive touching research subjects including regression to the mean. Yes, it is a very rewarding statistical dive. I find this to be one of the more important books that I have read since college.In addition, I find this book so applicable to not only professional fields but more importantly to our personal lives.
Very impressed how Kahneman even places the benefits of of this research into PowerPoint presentations. This was a very revealing look at how we present by carefully placing words onto a given slide and how you tell your story.
I also greatly enjoyed his references to several books that I have also read, realizing I am somewhat on track to deeper understanding his teaching how our brains are acting as the book title suggests within our daily lives. This applies at home, at work and at school. We humans are a strange beast. Kahneman is certainly revealing how we are wired to think. More often however, we fail to apply seemingly common logic to easy questions.
This book is certainly filled with examples of how easy we all can misinterpret personal scenarios of logic simply based upon human emotion and conditioning.
While short in review this is simply a book everyone should be reading to gain a fuller understanding of approaching critical thinking.
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[…] the second chapter Tetlock and Gardner point to the research by Daniel Kahneman excellent work Thinking Fast and Slow to help determine behaviors shaped over time that have fundamentally changed how we predict […]