Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear. What a surprising and enjoyable read. James starts with a rather tragic event in his life and the steps he took to succeed. This places a good foundation to establishing a framework to form good habits and break the bad ones.

Right away James provides good documentation for the reader to achieve the steps necessary to be successful. He leverages a successful experience in college baseball as the base (pun intended) to reveal insights to establish good habits.
Seeing a reference to Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow research felt good to see again on display for us to leverage.
Establishing a habit seems simple, but why do so many of us fail? Life gets in the way. Yet some are too oversimplified.
For example reading a book one page a day. Really? Okay…drop the TV remote and read for 20 minutes – not just one page. Reading one page a day is not really making a concerted effort. So this habit plan could use a tweak.
As a matter of fact, Atomic Habits does move us in the direction towards concerted efforts. This may be somewhat harder to establish (a new brand) around concerted effort vs. atomic habit. You must know your audience.
Atomic Habits in a round about way addresses how technology in fact makes it easy to fail at establishing new habits. James provides good insights about human behavior and technology.
Lessons throughout the book provide good examples to inspire. From the British cycling team and the small habits introduced by a new coach. James tags this as marginal gains. They found new success, won the Tour de France for the very first time in 2013, then repeated in 2015, 2016, and 2017. Most importantly the team used newfound success at the Beijing Summer Olympics as motivation for their London summer games. Four years later they again dominated the medal stand. Marginal gains are important, serve as inspiration and really work.
Atomic Habits closes with three advanced chapters (18-20) and also provides dedicated insights to business and parenting habits. Good contribution to the book.
CBS This Morning: Why habits are the “compound interest” of self-improvement
London Real: Atomic Habits, How tiny changes create remarkable results