
Blogs take on the mainstream

The BBC notes Blogging is here to stay and ready to increase in 2005:

–Blog readership jumped 58 percent, to 27 percent (32 million) from 17 percent in February ’04. Some of that is attributed to political blogs with heavy readership during the 2004 election.

–7 percent say they’ve created a blog or web-based diary. That works out to more than 8 million of the 120 million U.S. adults who spend time online. No word on how many actually posted more than once.

— RSS broke through for the first time, with 5 percent saying they use some form of aggregator or reader to receive news and other informstion as it is posted on a blog or other feed-enabled site.
— A reminder not to drink too much KoolAid: “blog” may be the word of the year but 62 percent of the respondents didn’t know the definition.

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