Design Education Globalization Internet2 Milwaukee Network Technology WiscNet

WiscNet FTC Day 1: Digital Ethnography

Keynote Speaker: Michael Wesch’s presentation Human Futures for Technology and Education was very well received and many were inspired by his work. New technologies have profound implications for education and force us to rethink how we teach, what we teach, and who we think we are teaching.  (click on the play button in the movie frame)


Education Globalization Internet2 Milwaukee Network WiscNet

2007 Future Technologies Conference

wiscnet ftcToday begins the 2007 Future Technologies Conference in Madison. It will be a tough act to follow. Last year’s event was a tremendous success and I’m looking forward to this year’s events.

In addition to MIAD’s IT team, our Library Director Cynthia Lynch and Liberal Studies faculty member Leslie Fedorchuk will also be attending. Last year I was struck at multiple points throughout the conference that faculty and staff needed to be in those sessions learning the exact content I would later relay to them.

The impact for MIAD will continue to be big for our small school. People networking is just as important as a greater number of MIAD staff continue to exchange professional contacts within the state.

One new look to the 2007 conference will by my participation (as Co-Chair of the Internet2 WorkingGroup) moderating a session connecting the Cleveland Museum of Art (CMA) to Madison for a distance learning session on the Harlem Renaissance:

A multidisciplinary approach to teaching brings additional resources to the classroom and engages a wide variety of student interest. Sample the Harlem Renaissance program in which Langston Hughes’ poetry complements the visual art of Romare Bearden and Jacob Lawrence.
Learn about the K-12 science, math and art distance learning lessons from The Cleveland Museum of Art with links to topics such as armor, textiles, photography and natural dyes.

The presentation also includes information about a new university level course: A Survey of Non-Western Art offered by the CMA via Internet2 and will show examples of other Internet2 projects. The Presenter is Arielle Levine.   Today will be a perfect opportunity to hilight how the CMA uses Art to teach multiple subjects including math and science. In addition we will have our Internet2 K20 Workgroup Meeting.  An outline to our Workgroup agenda:

Year in Review
Progress toward goals
Installation of 2007-2008 Workgroup chair(s)
Brainstorm goals for 2007-08 (plus Dec. 3, 07 Internet2 Day event)

Looking forward, many events in 07/08 regarding Internet2 may be shaped in a small way by the merger of Internet2 and the National Lambda Rail. It will indeed strengthen the ties to K12 and Higher Education and provide new research opportunities.

    Tags: WiscNet, Future Technologies Conference, Madison, MIAD, Internet2, Cleveland Museum of Art, trends

    Education Milwaukee

    Last day of school year

    The semester and academic year wrapped up last night for MIAD. There is nothing better than walking the halls of an Art school and seeing the achievements of such a creative group of students.

    They are really inspiring…and our Foundations students (freshman) have really excelled in their first group show in MIAD’s East Gallery. There were great works in our senior exhibition which is still available for you to see in the MIAD building until May 12th.

    MIAD is also losing two faculty members at the end of this school year with the retirements of Deane Nesbitt and Ron Bitticks. They will really be missed by our students.

    Technorati Tags: MIAD, senior exhibit


    Baby shower

    With family in from Ohio and with all our extended family and friends Maggie and I enjoyed a wonderful baby shower Sunday. Mom, Dad, Grandma and my Aunt Mary arrived Friday for the weekend festivities.
    baby cakeNeedless to say this cake was amazing. (The Cake Lady located on Kinnickinnic) We were very careful to drive cautiously on the way to the party.

    I was just overwhelmed by the generosity of gifts we received. It was a perfect day: perfect weather, perfect stories and a lot of laughs. Countdown is now minus six weeks.

    Technorati Tags: cake lady

    Education Milwaukee

    Saturday Night Massacre Remix?

    A chance to remix history? Confused by the current developments inside the Beltway regarding the firing of attorneys in the Justice Department? Millions of emails regarding this process are “missing” resulting in another Bush Administration scandal. Now the Democratic congress is seeking communication as to understand the process that lead to the firings. As the NYTimes reported:

    “Taken together, Democrats asserted, the e-mail supported their contention that the ousted prosecutors were dismissed to make room for favored candidates who were chosen on the basis of their political qualifications as much as prosecutorial experience.”

    Today the Times revealed Rachel L. Brand being considered the top political appointment for Federal Prosecutor in the Western District of Michigan admitted she “never prosecuted so much as a traffic case.” Brilliant.

    The Saturday Night Massacre October 20, 1973: Special Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox subpoenaed tapes of key White House conversations regarding the growing Watergate scandal.

    october 21, 1973President Nixon ordered Attorney General Elliot Richardson to fire Cox. Richardson resigned in protest.

    Nixon then instructed Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus to fire Cox. Ruckelshaus also refused and was fired by Nixon.

    Facing a crisis, Nixon turned to Solicitor General Robert Bork (third in line to the Attorney General) who fired Cox. The event was hyper escalated when the FBI sealed the offices of Richardson, Ruckelshaus and Coxs.