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WiscNet FTC Day 1: Digital Ethnography

Keynote Speaker: Michael Wesch’s presentation Human Futures for Technology and Education was very well received and many were inspired by his work. New technologies have profound implications for education and force us to rethink how we teach, what we teach, and who we think we are teaching.  (click on the play button in the movie frame)


His story of how technology impacts his own students was moving…he showed a photo where he asked his class to make statements about their education…one read:

80% of my teachers don’t know my name

Michael launched Digital Ethnography at Kansas State University to examine the impacts of digital technology on human interaction. His first work was called “Web 2.0 … The Machine is Us/ing Us.” The video became the most popular video in the blogosphere and the #1 featured YouTube video on February 7th 2007.


Tags: WiscNet, Future Technologies Conference, Michael Wesch, web2.0, The Machine is Us/ing Us

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