Education Globalization Reading

Latest Read: The Secret Life of Groceries

The Secret Life of Groceries: The Dark Miracle of the American Supermarket by Benjamin Lorr. Benjamin is writing about an amazing resource that impacts our lives: the grocery store. For the most part, the amount of research Benjamin spent over a period of five years pays off most handsomely.

The Secret Life of Groceries by Benjamin Lorr

Consequently, The Secret Life of Groceries allows readers to look deeply across supply chains that impact everyone across this country and most industrial nations.

Benjamin begins with a history of American grocery stores. Certainly interesting to read about the founder of Trader Joe’s, how a Texas oil company launched 7-Eleven, and why shopping carts were a late addition in 1937.

I believe the history of change would be most appealing to readers as we today take for granted so many elements within our local grocery stores.

However, amazing as it sounds grocery stores had to hire men to push the cards as women were shopping. The globalization of stores and supply chains are addressed. I also really enjoyed learning about the the grocery story supply chain from many points of view. For this purpose, from Texas to Tokyo: 7-Eleven is a 2005 subsidiary of Seven-Eleven Japan Company which runs over 1,700 stores across 17 countries. Food is an amazing global business.

Trucking industry

The chapter that I especially found interesting was Part II: Distribution of Responsibility. It begins: Three A.M. Outside the Aldi Distribution Center in Oak Creek, Wisconsin and certainly does not disappoint. In fact, Benjamin was actually riding with a truck driver to learn all about her world. Amazing how trucking companies prey upon people promising the sky yet leaving many in debt for decades.

Education Innovation Reading Technology

Latest Read: Find Your Why

Find Your Why: A Practical Guide to Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team by Simon Sinek. Simon wrote a bestseller in 2009 called Start with Why.

Find Your Why: A Practical Guide to Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team by Simon Sinek

This book is the workshop companion. It will certainly not stand alone without the original. Find Your Why is above all, lead by Simon, David Mead, and Peter Docker as a corporate workshop now part of Simon’s consulting company Sinek Partners.

In this book the authors walk through specific points to identify “Why”for teams and organizations.

At the same time, Find Your Why is positioned to be an anchor for a workgroup moderator. So again, without reading Start with Why, your organization will struggle with Find Your Why as a stand alone book.

However, I found Start with Why to be compelling so I eagerly absorbed how this companion book can bolster teams and organizations. At various points throughout the book I could forecast how this would be received by my organization and others during a pandemic, when everything was changing rapidly in the opening weeks of remote work.

Education Innovation Reading

Latest Read: Moonwalking with Einstein

Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything by Joshua Foer. For the most part, Joshua is a recognized freelance writer appearing in The New Yorker, National Geographic, Esquire, Slate, Outside, and the New York Times.

Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything by Joshua Foer

Joshua wrote a story regarding the US Memory Championship. He was so moved by the event, he spent the next year training to compete. Therefore this book reveals Joshua’s year long effort to learn mnemonics and memory palaces.

His book certainly conveys how you can sharpen your memory skills based upon techniques used by participants in the competition. Pretty cool insights.

Joshua’s abilities was certainly enhanced by interviewing contestants who befriended him. Above all, the memory palace chapter was a wonderful introduction into learning how you can create deep lasting memories regarding any topic.

At the same time, techniques to memorize complex mathematics was brilliant, yet a technique that I would struggle with in attempting to master. Yet, if there is a will – there is a way.

Cyberinfrastructure Education Network Ransomware Reading Technology

HBO’s The Perfect Weapon

In 2020 HBO released the documentary The Perfect Weapon based upon the best-selling book by David Sanger a New York Times national security correspondent. The book was a fantastic review of cyber attacks conducted by Russia, China and other countries deemed hostile to the US and the West. Accordingly, this documentary reveals how cyber war began. This is certainly the primary strategy today for nation state attacks. This documentary is also available on Amazon Prime.

Stuxnet, known as the cyber attack “Olympic Games” was an original US/Israel joint cyber attack. The concern was understanding the risk to a nuclear war in the Middle East in supporting Israel’s defense. The Bush Administration chose to invoke a new type of warfare.

Education Reading Vietnam War

Latest Read: The Early Years

Advice and Support: The Early Years, 1941-1960 by Ronald Spector. This is the first in a series by the United States Army’s Center of Military History regarding the Vietnam War. This publication provides a critical appraisal of America’s initial steps across Indochina.

In the early 1950s most Americans could not find Vietnam on a map. Ronald documents how lacking any plan for Indochina would eventually draw America into a generational confrontation.

However, The Early Years clearly provides an understanding of events pushing America towards Indochina prior to World War II.

Churchill’s March 1946 famous “Iron Curtain” speech (Full PDF) at Westminister College in Truman’s home state of Missouri set the stage. On April 24, 1950 NSC memorandum 64 identifies a new US position to contain communism across Indochina.

This US position was further solidified by President Eisenhower in 1953 with NSC 162/2. These efforts document well known mistakes and large policy shifts that resulted in our long war in Vietnam. The lessons certainly remain important to this day.

I can quote many sections of this book at length. Yes, this book is that well written. Stumbling right out of the gate, Truman viewed Indochina in an emerging Cold War confrontation.