Artificial Intelligence Education Globalization Reading Technology

Latest Read: Digital Empires

Digital Empires: The Global Battle to Regulate Technology by Anu Bradford.

Digital Empires: The Global Battle to Regulate Technology by Anu Bradford

Anu holds LLM and SJD from Harvard Law School, and both a Master of Laws and Licentiate from the University of Helsinki. Today Anu serves as Professor of Law at Columbia Law School. Today she is Director of the European Legal Studies Center at Columbia Law School and former assistant professor at the University of Chicago Law School.

This is one of the important books everyone should be reading today in order to understand how the world is operating, the political and economic shifts underway and even how AI will influence the global economy in the coming century.

Anu is providing a very deep analysis of competing regulatory frameworks among the United States, China, and the European Union as they strive to govern technology and digital markets. Each is certainly shaping their efforts to support their global ambitions.

This is beyond business regulations and rather is contributing to their plans for dominating global digital economic market. And of course the digital market means AI.

Artificial Intelligence Blockchain Education Innovation Reading Technology

Latest Read: Unsupervised

Unsupervised: Navigating and Influencing a World Controlled by Powerful New Technologies by Daniel Doll-Steinberg and Stuart Leaf.

Unsupervised: Navigating and Influencing a World Controlled by Powerful New Technologies by Daniel Doll-Steinberg and Stuart Leaf

Daniel holds a BS in Engineering from The University of Manchester UK and Honorary Senior Research Associate from University College London. He is a lecturer at The Wharton School. He is co-founder and partner at EdenBase. Advisor to the UK Government and European Commission on innovation, growth, and education policy. Stuart holds a BA in Economics and MBA from Stanford. He is co-founder of the Cadogan fund.

Written by experienced technology fund managers, Daniel and Stuart are addressing the broad range of powerful new technologies which are disrupting and transforming everything. In fact their message is simply now is the time that you must act and adapt. This book was named a Bloomberg Best Book of 2023.

At first glance you may consider the focus upon Unsupervised Machine Learning, but that is way off base. Daniel and Stuart are providing an overview of how a core set of disruptive technologies have been developing at an accelerating pace that most of the world is not accustomed to seeing. They also question who is in fact in control of these technologies, and are emphasizing that these have developed for the most part without any supervision.

Education Ransomware Reading Technology

Latest Read: Fighting Phishing

Fighting Phishing: Everything You Can Do to Fight Social Engineering and Phishing by Roger A. Grimes.

Fighting Phishing: Everything You Can Do to Fight Social Engineering and Phishing by Roger Grimes

Roger holds a BA in Accounting and Economics from Old Dominion University. A former Principal Security Architect at Microsoft, Roger was a computer security columnist at InfoWorld. Today Roger is a Data-Driven Defense Evangelist at KnowBe4.

This book is not only mandatory reading for every IT organization’s team, but even individuals must learn to protect their personal accounts and valuable data safe sophisticated social engineering and phishing attacks.

This book is well regarded within the cybersecurity community. This is a practical guide to understanding and defending against phishing attacks. Roger is in fact, outlining how an in-depth approach is required, now more than ever, to deploy a robust defense against social engineering and phishing threats.

Anyone can acquire the understanding of how critical defenses must be in place today. So, just search for ‘phishing attack’ to clearly understand how organizations still fall victim to these attacks which continue to be the entry into organizational networks and systems.

Education Reading Technology

Latest Read: 97 Things Every Data Engineer Should Know

97 Things Every Data Engineer Should Know: Collective Wisdom from the Experts. Edited by Tobias Macey, host of the popular Data Engineering Podcast.

97 Things Every Data Engineer Should Know: Collective Wisdom from the Experts by Tobias Macey

This book presents 97 concise and useful tips for cleaning, prepping, wrangling, storing, processing, and ingesting data. Data engineers, data architects, data team managers, data scientists, machine learning engineers, and software engineers will benefit from the wisdom and first hand experiences of their peers.

The Data Engineer is a rather new role. However, the management of data has been well known for over a generation. Data engineers tune data for use in analytics and machine learning. Today AI, Data Lakes, Predictive Analytics, and Data Science all roll up into the modern Data Engineer. This is a series of high level insights from various professionals. They work at Twitter, Google, Stitch Fix, Microsoft, Capital One, and LinkedIn.

Readers who seek insights will certainly find this a good reference. Since the topics range widely there is a good probability you will need to keep this reference within reach. It is refreshing to see contributions crossings areas that will be new to most readers.

Admittedly, the chapter on Data Security for Data Engineers by Katharine Jarmul from Thoughtworks is certainly a must read. In addition, Privacy Is Your Problem by Stephen Bailey must be on your list. The variety of topics is also appealing, so be ready to gain insights. Their shared postings have good ideas, warnings, and best practices all melting together.

Artificial Intelligence Blockchain Education Innovation Reading Technology

Latest Read: Reinventing Jobs

Reinventing Jobs: A 4-Step Approach for Applying Automation to Work by Ravin Jesuthasan and John Boudreau.

Reinventing Jobs: A 4-Step Approach for Applying Automation to Work by Ravin Jesuthasan, and John W. Boudreau

John Boudreau is Professor Emeritus of Management and Organization and a Senior Research Scientist with the Center for Effective Organizations at the University of Southern California. He holds a Masters and PhD from Purdue University in Industrial Administration.

Ravin is Senior Partner and Global Leader for Transformation Services at Mercer. Previously he was a Managing Director at Willis Towers Watson. He holds an MBA from Western Michigan University and is a Part-time Lecturer at Caltech’s Executive Education Program.

So, the drumbeats of AI have certainly peaked within 2023. Today ChatGPT is just 13 months old. And while the company is showing its age the impact upon society and business is now at a crossroads.

Accordingly for all the hype of Generative AI, organizations simply do not know how to deploy AI solutions. There are failed AI deployments within 2023. While much of the attention has certainly been to the lack of security and privacy within ChatGPT, the most important aspect for any organizations is confronting AI’s digital disruption including the impact upon employees.