Education Globalization Internet2 Technology WiscNet

WiscNet FTC Day 1: Second Life in Education

bill moseleyBill Moseley was the second keynote speaker today. Bill is a Professor of Computer Studies at Bakersfield College in California and an Adjunct Faculty in Pepperdine University’s Masters in Educational Technology Program. His presentation focused on how to utilize, test and play Second Life in education and the technical and curriculum challenges that this network application presents.  The use of Second Life in education was also the focus of a session at the winter Internet2 conference in Chicago last December.

Tags: WiscNet, Future Technologies Conference, Bill Moseley, web2.0, Second LIfe

Design Education Globalization Internet2 Milwaukee Network Technology WiscNet

WiscNet FTC Day 1: Digital Ethnography

Keynote Speaker: Michael Wesch’s presentation Human Futures for Technology and Education was very well received and many were inspired by his work. New technologies have profound implications for education and force us to rethink how we teach, what we teach, and who we think we are teaching.  (click on the play button in the movie frame)


Internet2 Network Technology WiscNet

WiscNet FTC Day 1: Boreas

What a great day for WiscNet! The first day of the 2007 Future Technologies Conference started with a bang…


Ron Kraemer, Deputy CIO at UW Madison announced WiscNet will be the support center for the new BOREAS network connecting: Ames, Iowa – Des Moines, Iowa | Chicago, Illinois * Iowa City, Iowa | Kansas City, Missouri | Madison, Wisconsin | Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Tags: WiscNet, Future Technologies Conference, Boreas, Internet2, network

Education Globalization Technology

Changes in wind direction

While I will freely admit that I do not watch American Idol, it is no small feat that Carrie Underwood’s exclusive single from iTunes has broken the Billboard Top 10.
american idol itunesThe first time a single available only on iTunes (no CDs from any music reseller — anywhere) debuts at number 6 after selling over 100,000 downloads. This is also an example of the changes in business known as The Long Tail written by Wired Magazine’s Chris Anderson. It proves how iPod sales are now changing the purchasing decisions of music fans.

Remember when the iTunes Music Store suffered a meltdown on Christmas day? Maybe some people still had a balance on their iTunes gift certificates last week.

Tags: iTunes, American Idol, The Long Tail, Billboard, Carrie Underwood, music store, trends

Education Globalization Reading Technology

Latest read: Naked Conversations

With a lot of anticipation I read Robert Scoble’s Naked Conversations: How Blogs are Changing the Way Businesses Talk with Customers.

naked conversations

For some time I had been skimming his blog Scoblizer since he became Microsoft’s first official blogger and rose to instant superstar.

As if that ‘permission’ by Microsoft made blogging okay for Corporate America. While his feed is loaded in my NetNewsWire this book is really really entry level…or if you have not read any book about blogging.

While many on Amazon rave about it (maybe my expectations are too high) it really is a rehash of plain – common – sense approaches to having honest communication or “chats” via a blog.

Maybe for the mid-size corporation looking to communicate to their customers…but don’t good companies talk to their customers already?