Own the A.I. Revolution: Unlock Your Artificial Intelligence Strategy to Disrupt Your Competition by Neil Sahota and Michael Ashley. Neil holds an MBA from University of California, Irvine and is CEO of ACSI Labs.

Disappointed to read a book that is about the hype of AI with no content. There is little value in the book outside of Chapter 2 which provides a short history of AI. However, this is the basic theme of his book, tidbits without solid background. Perhaps the book needs to address business risk including the impact of AI hallucination rates.
In addition, the second section of this book is just a series of conversations with Thought Leaders. Too many topics to deliver any solid hypothesis. Neil jumps around asking how AI will impact Medicine, Innovation, Law, Language, Education, Sports, etc.. So, you get the picture.
He closes with insights to the deployment of AI services in major Chinese cities and Saudi Arabia. Did not quite follow this closing chapter either. Pure hype to sell a book.
In conclusion, this book certainly has little value and is poorly written. This book also has a somewhat limited audience since the content is lightweight and does not provide any example how organizations can ‘own’ the revolution by adding value.