Artificial Intelligence Education Innovation Reading

Latest Read: Competing in the Age of AI

Competing in the Age of AI: Strategy and Leadership When Algorithms and Networks Run the World by Marco Iansiti and Karim R. Lakhani

Competing in the Age of AI: Strategy and Leadership When Algorithms and Networks Run the World by Marco Iansiti and Karim R. Lakhani

Marco Iansiti is Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. He is a co-director of the Laboratory for Information Science at Harvard and of the Digital Initiative at HBS. Marco holds a PhD and an AB in Physics from Harvard. He is an advisor at KeystoneAI.

Karim R. Lakhani is a Business Administration Professor at Harvard Business School. He is co-director of the Laboratory of Innovation Science at Harvard’s Institute of Quantitative Social Science. He is Chair of the Harvard Business School’s Analytics Program. Karim holds bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Management from McMaster University, a masters degree in Technology and Policy from MIT and a PhD in management from the MIT. He previously served as a Lecturer at MIT’s Sloan School of Management.

This is certainly one of the better books addressing AI and business innovation. A must read for any organization now confronting AI challenges regardless of their respective markets. In industry after industry, the core elements of data, analytics, and AI-driven processes have certainly transformed business.

Artificial Intelligence Education Innovation Reading

Latest Read: Robot-Proof

Robot-Proof: Higher Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Joseph E. Aoun. He holds a masters in Oriental Languages and Literature at the Université Saint-Joseph and a PhD in Linguistics at MIT. He joined the University of Southern California in 1982 as a Linguistics Professor. Currently he is serving as the 7th president of Northeastern University.

Robot-Proof: Higher Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Joseph E. Aoun

The automation of jobs was certainly a threat to low-skilled workers in the 1980s. Today the advancement of Artificial Intelligence is certainly empowering systems and robots to confront knowledge workers in traditionally highly-skilled jobs with the same threat. In fact, this includes jobs that focused on high tech skills including interpreting medical images, legal research, and analyzing data.

So, how can higher education prepare students for a career as Artificial Intelligence is surging across markets? Dr. Aoun is advancing the idea that a way to educate current college students is to invent, create, and discover needs across society that Artificial Intelligence cannot currently address.

Therefore, he is introducing a position to create a mindset that he called humanics. This framework builds upon education models that prepare students to enter a workforce with robots and smart machines working alongside them. This includes computer literacy

Accordingly, he points to the development of IBM Watson in cancer research. This provided oncologists with faster diagnosis and efficient treatment plans. Then Watson moved from hospitals to the New York City Public School system. Watson has been advising teachers on effective teaching practices based upon Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence Education Innovation Reading

Latest Read: Machine Learning: The New AI

Machine Learning: The New AI by Ethem Alpaydin. A Fulbright scholar, Ethem holds a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. He has held visiting research positions at University of California, Berkeley, and MIT.

Machine Learning: The New AI by Ethem Alpaydin

Ethem is delivering an exceptional overview of machine learning. If you want to understand the foundations of machine learning without any programming details, this is the perfect book. The math and statistics are delivered at a conceptual level. Anyone can follow along. He provides a solid foundation addressing algorithms, artificial intelligence, and neural networks. Again for anyone interested, this book is not technical. You will not be overwhelmed, but rather inspired to learn.

Today, Machine Learning (ML) certainly is the most popular subset of artificial intelligence. With ML certainly now a core AI service, we can more easily understand the growing range of ML apps we use everyday.

This includes product recommendations to voice recognition. Spread across just seven chapters, readers will come to understand ML, Statistics and Data Analytics. However chapter four: Neural Networks and Deep Learning is a strong delivery of ML’s core services. This is perhaps the most important chapter for readers new to ML. Ethem provides the much needed context that the foundations were first tested in 1946. This helps set a level playing field in following onto neural networks and the core of deep learning.

3D Printing Artificial Intelligence Education Reading Technology

Latest Read: HBR’s 10 Must Reads on AI, Analytics, and the New Machine Age

HBR’s 10 Must Reads on AI, Analytics, and the New Machine Age by Harvard Business Review. Harvard Business Review has selected 10 articles focusing on intelligence machines and why your strategy cannot ignore their impact.

HBR's 10 Must Reads on AI, Analytics, and the New Machine Age

Published in January 2019 these article certainly provide insights to the new machine age. Each article is presented with three ideas: Problem, Causes, and Solutions.

This very new class of intelligent machines are indeed revolutionizing business through data. Sensors now embedded can gather and transmit data. So, data analytics and machine learning are uniting to provide organizations powerful, data driven insights not possible even ten years ago. The cornerstone of these technologies is miniaturization and supply chain manufacturing costs.

When Organizations and smart machines are correctly brought together, teams will being hiring, not firing. The data outcomes will release new levels of productivity in a much shorter timespan. organizational Leaders will see the big idea new machines provide. As a result, leadership must rethink strategy, managing people, and introducing new services.
The downstream impact: Drone deployments will need retooling of current services into the cloud via mobile apps. Just wait until drones mature and move into commercial spaces. This is a far cry from perceived military only use for drones.

Artificial Intelligence Education Innovation Reading

Latest Read: The Digital Mindset

The Digital Mindset: What It Really Takes to Thrive in the Age of Data, Algorithms, and AI by Paul Leonardi and Tsedal Neeley.

The Digital Mindset: What It Really Takes to Thrive in the Age of Data, Algorithms, and AI by Paul Leonardi and Tsedal Neeley

Paul Leonardi, Ph.D., is Department Chair and Professor of Technology Management at UC Santa Barbara. He holds a MA from University of Colorado at Boulder and a Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University.

Tsedal Neeley is Professor of Business Administration and Senior Associate Dean of Faculty Development and Research Strategy at the Harvard Business School. She received her Ph.D. from Stanford University in Management Science and Engineering.

Above all, this book is a great primer addressing well developed digital technologies: algorithms, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning. Their lessons served include today’s society has become well adjusted to web technologies. Markets and industries are in fact well versed with these technologies. Users must be fully aware that AI is just the next evolution to the way workflows are expected.

As long time collaborators, Paul and Tsedal outline their ‘digital mindset’ across three areas: Collaboration, Computation, and Change. By adopting all three, users can in fact achieve a digital mindset. This includes perspectives that will lead to developing new digital skills. In addition, their message for Leaders is to adopt all three approaches. In leading their organizations, they will prepare current staff for a successful future as digital transformations continue to accelerate.