Education Innovation Reading

Latest Read: Leadership Moments

Leadership Moments from NASA: Achieving the Impossible
by Dr. Dave Williams and Elizabeth Howell. Only with true leadership could NASA thrive in the face of certainly immense challenges, budget cuts, the loss of public interest and fatal accidents. Look no further than how NASA’s leadership proved over and over how they could reengineer their organizational mission and thrive.

Leadership Moments from NASA: Achieving the Impossible by Dr. Dave Williams and Elizabeth Howell

Dr. Dave Williams is an astronaut, pilot, ER doctor, scientist, and CEO. Dave has flown in space twice and is the former Director of Space & Life Sciences at NASA’s Johnson Space Center. In addition, he has received the NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal, the NASA Exceptional Service Medal and the Langley Research Center Superior Accomplishment Award.

Elizabeth Howell, PhD teaches at Algonquin College and in addition, at the Professional Development Institute at The University of Ottawa.

Accordingly, Leadership Moments from NASA dives into the leadership culture of this internationally famous organization. In addition, they examine the leadership styles and insights of NASA senior executives spanning five decades of human spaceflight result in lessons learned from critical moments.

Certainly the most unique aspect in this book is the entire world watched NASA birth and initial projects Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo culminating in landing on the moon and returning astronauts safely to earth.

Talk about global competition. Lessons from Sputnik truly changed America overnight. Honestly, overnight due to the impact of the cold war era. Their goal of racing to the moon is just extraordinary. NASA’s space mission is as much a story of leadership and teamwork as it is a story of exploration and discovery.