Good Boss, Bad Boss: How to Be the Best…and Learn from the Worst by Robert Sutton. Robert is a professor of management science at Stanford University and a researcher in the field of evidence-based management.

In 2017 he published The No Asshole Rule. I must admit it was a book that leaves an impression upon readers. Good Boss, Bad Boss does reference this work but is a much better delivery.
Robert also previously published Scaling Up Excellence: Getting to More Without Settling for Less, which reveals how to strive for excellence and not allow your organization to become just mediocre.
Basically, Robert shares the difference that good bosses are certainly connected with the teams they lead. This is based upon research proving performance and humanity make all the difference. Robert’s research certainly displays case studies with leaders who both struggled or overcame challenges to lead their teams.
One of the strongest impressions is understanding that regardless of industry or work demands, a good boss will be a shield to their teams from within their organization — often this means leadership. Robert is also delivering a real world view.