The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek. During my read of Start With Why it was natural to seek Simon’s view of long term leadership. A few hits and misses along the way but it was another enjoyable read.

Simon introduces the theme contrasting finite against infinite. In other words, simple examples of football or chess, these games have time limits, rules are standardized and the players are known to the opponent. It is easy to find a winner and loser at the end of similar finite sporting events.
However the focus of his book is on infinite games, business, war, politics, and even our own personal lives. There is no time limit, rules change over time, and the players as well. No winners or losers appear on an infinite stage, above all, movements are forwards or backwards.
However, with my deep interest in learning about the long US war in Vietnam it was a bit surprising to see Simon tee off his book with the 1968 Tet Offensive. This was his pinning idea of infinite. While the US involvement in Vietnam extended back to the 1940s, and French colonial rule began in the late 1860s, it was a shame China’s 1000 year rule over Vietnam was not mentioned.