Education Innovation Reading

Latest Read: The Power of Moments

Chip and Dan Heath have written The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact. This is a wonderful book of insights. The book has four themes: Elevation, Insight, Pride and Connection. This ‘epic’ outline is their foundation to address why moments can elevate and change your life and workplace.

The Power of Moments

I shared with colleagues that I was learning new ideas in this book. I was very pleasing to learn many of my new colleagues were also reading this book!

The opening moment is more of a reaction to an ‘accepted practice’ in high schools. In order to drive viewership to younger audiences ESPN began televising national signing day. High school athletes now declare their college football program scholarship choice on TV. Two teachers created the same for high achieving students, providing them the same stage to show off their academic accomplishments. This book delves into fascinating mysteries of experiences we can move into memorable experiences. The Power of Moments shows us how to be the author of richer experiences.