Education Innovation Reading

Latest Read: When to Rob a Bank

So, Bernice Geiger embezzled $2 million from a bank in Iowa. This crime took place over many years. Actually the bank was owned by her family….keeps with the book’s surprising stories. Did she spend it on herself? No Bernice gave the money away. The bank closed as a result. After spending five years in jail for the crime, Bernice moved back into her parent’s house. Again her parents started and eventually lost their bank due to her embezzlement. Something about forgiveness in this story. As a result, Bernice kept two sets of books and never took vacation to keep her crime a secret. Moreover, the insight to this story: you can stop embezzlement by searching for employees who do not take vacation.

In conclusion, When to Rob a Bank is well worth your time. And by the way banks are almost never robbed on weekends.

Talks at Google | When to Rob a Bank