Working with AI: Real Stories of Human-Machine Collaboration by Tom Davenport and Steven Miller. Tom Davenport holds the President’s Chair in Information Technology and Management at Babson College.

Tom’s vast experience includes directing research centers at Ernst & Young, McKinsey & Company, CSC Index, and the Accenture Institute of Strategic Change. Tom holds a B.A. in sociology from Trinity University and M.A. and Ph.D. in sociology from Harvard University.
Working with AI breaks certainly down misinformation that AI will kill jobs. In fact, a series of case studies reveal how AI adoption has led to increased hiring. This is revealed by new insights and efficiencies AI tools are delivering to organizations.
Will AI remove some jobs? Yes of course, however the frenzy of AI being an apocalyptic job destroyer is lost in today’s movies and Netflix shows. To be more accurate, in 2023 more organizations are being held to account by their boards regarding the adoption of AI tools.
The book is revealing how AI alters the way organizations can change long standing workflows. This allows a reallocation of some tasks but not entire jobs. The book is a series of 29 business case studies.
Indeed the concluding chapters address a wider view of AI in the workplace including the platforms needed to succeed. This certainly makes it possible to experience real world deployments and the direct impacts AI tools have upon the organizations today.
Be brave
The most important aspect is to place your organization into each case study. The results will surprise you. Each case study describes the work context regarding the AI system, interviews with managers and vendors. this will certainly provide insights for every organizaiton to consider.
In addition, it can be understood that some may find this somewhat plain, the authors address a number of AI applications in use today. Specific to higher education, dive into the first business case study regarding Morgan Stanley’s Financial Advisors. You need look no further that your own Enrollment Management team to understand how AI tools can make that same impact.
Hello higher education
In fact, case study #4 is Arkansas State University’s Foundation Departments adoption of Gravity AI and already adopted by NYU, UCLA, Tulane, Rice, and Pepperdine. So now bringing AI into your Foundation is more clearly defined and not a risk. So, next up for Higher Education, AI-based Plagiarism and content detection tools. These AI tools will be for internal audience (faculty and support staff) to combat a growing concern since the pandemic.
Tom has a long respected history of innovative books addressing AI technologies dating back to my read of Competing on Analytics in May 2008:
In conclusion, every organization finding themselves confused by the AI surge should make this mandatory reading for leaders. This book’s case studies introduce AI solutions already deployed. So, are your competitors sitting on their AI hands too? Simply a must read.